Thursday, February 4, 2010


It has been so many years in the making, it's hard to believe that soon I will be holding my two books in my hands. Yesterday I received the pre-proof galley for DEVIL'S DANCE and today for THE DEVIL'S DUE. As soon as I read through them and return them to the publisher, we'll have advanced one more step up the ladder.

This is a short post because I've got to get to my reading of the galleys. The longer I delay, the longer it will take to go to print.

This may sound a little egotistic, but whenever I'm at this point in a book, I try to read objectively, as though I'm not the author and have no knowledge of the story. Devil's Dance is holding up very well. I find myself wanting to keep reading even though I know the story backwards and forwards...maybe even sideways after all these years. My style has changed so much since the first attempt, and yet some elements remain the same.